UK deathgrind masters Carcass recently unleashed an animated music video created by Costin Chioreanu (Opeth, Napalm Death) for their new single titled “Dance of IXTAB (Psychopomp & Circumstance March No. 1 In B)” — watch the clip below. The tune appears on the band’s upcoming 7th studio album, ‘Torn Arteries,’ that’s out September 17th via Nuclear Blast Records (pre-order).
Carcass founding vocalist and bassist Jeff Walker commented, “The song is a foot stomping festival anthem that will go unheard in an empty, vacuous, post covid world “stadium”, where used Lateral Flow Tests blow around as litter in the breeze.”
“I think as our 7th album, it does stand out from the others both sonically and stylistically,” said Walker of the upcoming effort. “You can definitely tell that it’s CARCASS; when you drop that needle on the vinyl, when you hear that guitar tone, you can tell it’s Bill Steer, but each album is always a product of its time.”
‘Torn Arteries’ track listing:
1. Torn Arteries
2. Dance of Ixtab (Psychopomp & Circumstances March No. 1)
3. Eleanor Rigor Mortis
4. Under The Scalpel Blade
5. The Devil Rides Out
6. Flesh Ripping Sonic Torment Limited
7. Kelly’s Meat Emporium
8. In God We Trust
9. Wake Up And Smell The Carcass / Caveat Emptor
10. The Scythe’s Remorseless Swing
Photo by Ester Segarra
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