Tallah release vocal video for “We, the Sad”

Tallah have revealed a vocal performance video (featuring Justin Bonitz) of their recently released single “We, the Sad,” which appears on the band’s new debut album ‘Matriphagy’ (due out October 2nd on Earache Records – pre-order).

Commenting on the vocal video, Bonitz says:

I self-recorded the vocals for the songs on the EP: “We, The Sad,” “Cottonmouth,” “Red Light,” “Kungan,” and “Placenta.” I recorded them at home in my personal studio, and two years later, Josh Schroeder mixed those same stems when he was engineering Matriphagy. There were one or two other versions of “We, The Sad,” which did not make the cut for me or Max. The lyrical content of the song was always the same (oppression by suppression), but the delivery of the verses was more “drunken rambling” than melodic. I had a totally dissimilar chorus originally, and the breakdown had a differing rhythmic feel—vocally. I am quick when it comes to writing, so the entire vocal/lyrical process of the song only took a few hours to write, record, re-write, record, and then that was that!

When we settled for the version on the EP, we just knew “This is the one.” Everything felt right. When I recorded the vocals, my voice was actually very strained and hoarse from having spent two weeks recording the vocals for a solo project, doing a three-hour live stream where I performed three solo albums back-to-back, and from recording the demo vocals for Kungan and Placenta—all during the dry/cold winter. By the time I got to We, The Sad, my voice was quite fatigued, so I was doing unconventional screaming techniques—which I can replicate safely, but would never actually authentically do on tour. Max loved the vocals I tracked so much, we ended up using them for the EP, and then those same stems were used two years later for the Matriphagy version of the song. It felt weird to me… knowing the vocals everybody was falling in love with were recorded when my voice was basically trashed, but sometimes it be like that 😛


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