Tales of the Tomb announce new bassist, share bass playthrough “Sinful Messiah”

Edmonton death metal twosome Tales of the Tomb are now officially a threesome with the addition of new bassist Jonii Guns.

Here’s full info via Jonii himself:

I’m excited to start working with the boys in Tales of The Tomb and moving into the next stage of my music career! I’m originally from the UK and moved to Canada nearly 3 years back. Previously I worked mostly with heavy metal, hardcore, and metalcore bands doing some touring and session work with the likes of The Hero Dies First, Faces of Eve, and years and years ago I helped out a little with L.A. Guns from… well LA! It was an awesome time playing with those bands and I have to say I wouldn’t be the musician I am without all the experiences I had with them! When first listening to Tales of The Tomb, I was unsure about the music having never played this kind of metal in the past, but after being sent the tabs and playing with the music, I really enjoyed it and the challenge of playing something new. Plus, I’m into alien conspiracy stuff, so I was super stoked when I heard all the different content with a darker theme! It makes it far more interesting! I’m really excited to be working with the lads on new material and incorporating my sound into the new EP and content we have planned.

To celebrate the addition of Guns, the band have shared (via NoCleanSinging) a bass playthrough for their track “Sinful Messiah,” which appears on the band’s latest EP ‘Volume Two: Mendicium.’


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