MUSCIPULA stream CALIGARI debut demo

Today, new Nashville doom-death cult Muscipula stream the entirety of their debut demo, Little Chasm of Horrors, at Decibel magazine’s website. Set for international release today via Caligari Records on cassette tape format, hear Muscipula’s Little Chasm of Horrors in its entirety exclusively HERE.

From the vile swamps of the American Southeast lives Dionanea Muscipula. Beneath the dense putrid flora and viscous ooze, the Beast thrives with a growing taste for the fresh flesh of the human variety! Muscipula now plots the doom of all red-blooded life forms and prepares for Carnivorous Vegetation Supremacy!

The Muscipula sound is a simple yet oppressive one. Imagine early Finnish death metal slowed down and dragged through the gutter – or any one of Bolt Thrower’s most world-eating moments plunged into quicksand. Naturally, other names invoked include Winter, Unholy, Goatlord, and earliest Cianide, but there’s an exceptionally humid (and HELLISH) atmosphere across the aptly titled Little Chasm of Horrors that puts this brand-new entity in already-advance standing. But, with the sheer CRUSHING density of the recording alone, Muscipula will make sure you’re NOT standing the second their sewer-drenched decibels hit you…

Cover and tracklisting are as follows:

Tracklisting for Muscipula’s Little Chasm of Horrors
1. Descending Into Chasm Dionanea Muscipula
2. Closed Shut (Enzymatic Death by Digestion)
3. Sphagnum Bog of the Depraved Droseracea

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