Power Trip delivers a powerhouse performance at Knockdown Center (recap, photos)

Queens, New York had the extreme pleasure of hosting Power Trip on their brief but highly anticipated summer tour this past Saturday, August 24. Joined by fellow Texans Frozen Soul and the eclectic punk band Ceremony, it was set to be a wild evening of moshing for fans of all genres. Not only would this be the first time Power Trip had toured since the untimely passing of founding lead singer Riley Gale, but the crossover legends would also be performing on the fourth anniversary of his passing.

Note: Due to visa issues, supporting act Mil Spec was unable to join. Additionally, because of New York City’s extensive but unreliable subway system, this writer/photographer missed their opening set. However, I heard they ripped, regardless.

The venue was already packed far before Frozen Soul took the stage, and despite being on tour for what seems like three straight years, the ice-cold rippers from Dallas-Fort Worth delivered the high-caliber performance we’ve all come to respect. Deeply brutal in their performance but always fantastic stewards of the scene, vocalist Chad Green offered uplifting words of community and support, reminding the crowd to take care of each other mentally and physically by keeping every single crowd surfer aloft. And of course, any mosher in the pit was expected to drop and give the band 20 push-ups to keep their heart rates at an acceptable level.

Ceremony was up next, a legendary band in their own distinct scene of California punk. With over 20 years of credit under their belt, and one of the most varied discographies around, the crowd adopted a hushed tone as they took the stage. The band obliged, opening with intense, sobering poetics—a welcome physical reprieve—before launching into their absolute classic “Sick,” which, without a doubt, revived the slumbering pit. Hardcore dancers, eat your heart out— that set was one for the ages.

By 10 o’clock the crowd was ravenous for Power Trip. The moment the distant sounds of war played, mortars and shells exploding, everyone knew to prepare. Opening with the first track off Nightmare Logic, “Soul Sacrifice,” Power Trip made it immediately clear that they weren’t building up to anything—they were ready to deliver right from the start, diving straight into “Executioners Tax (Swing of the Axe).”

Seth Gilmore knew he had big shoes to fill as the new singer for Power Trip, and it’s no surprise he was able to deliver so perfectly, having played in Fugitive with lead guitarist Blake Ibanez for the past four years. Every member of the band was in prime form, with Chris Ulsch’s metronomic drumming perfectly locked in with Chris Whetzel’s gorgeous ivory-colored bass.

After a stellar performance of hardcore chant anthem “Suffer No Fool,” Gilmore and rhythm guitarist Nick Stewart expressed their love and eternal respect for Gale, the patron saint of DFW crossover. The band didn’t stay offstage long after their final song, “Manifest Decimation,” returning within two minutes to absolutely destroy with “The Hammer of Doubt,” a track from their early recordings and a true treat for the real heads.

Without a doubt this was one of the best shows of the year.

Check out photos of Frozen Soul, Ceremony, and Power Trip by Adam Schwartz, along with fan-filmed videos and Power Trip’s setlist from the Knockdown Center show below.

Frozen Soul:


Power Trip:

Power Trip setlist:
Soul Sacrifice
Executioner’s Tax (Swing of the Axe)
Firing Squad
Hornet’s Nest
Nightmare Logic
Suffer No Fool
Divine Apprehension
Drown (intro)
Heretic’s Fork
Manifest Decimation
The Hammer of Doubt

Also Check Out: Tool return to Madison Square Garden for captivating performances (recap, photos)

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