Unborn Suffer release “Degradation of Evolution” lyric video

Polish death grinders Unborn Suffer have shared a lyric video for their new single, “Degradation of Evolution,” which appears on the band’s new LP, ‘Commit(ment To) Suicide’ (due out on June 26th via Selfmadegod Records).

Here’s more info from the official announcement:

Since 2002, UNBORN SUFFER has unloaded a vast arsenal of albums, EPs, and singles through a wide range of labels and outlets, their pummeling, metallic, death/grind attack drawing comparisons to the likes of Suffocation, Brutal Truth, Assück, Napalm Death, and Mortician.

UNBORN SUFFER now delivers their sixth full-length, Commit(ment To) Suicide, which encapsulates some of the band’s most ferocious material to date through a twenty-five-song assault, with two additional exclusive bonus tracks added to the CD version. The album was recorded during the Spring of 2019 in local Post Abortum Studios, with drums were recorded at Brzeskie Centrum Kultury, mixed and mastered at Invent Sound Studio by Szymon Grodzki, and finished with cover artwork by Kabewu/Jarek.

Stream “Degradation of Evolution”:

‘Commit(ment To) Suicide’ track listing:
1. God’s Blood
2. Cardboard Box
3. Commit(Ment To) Suicide
4. No One Will Know
5. We The Worst
6. Solutions
7. Whole World Gone Insane
8. Obliteration Of Faith
9. Degradation Of Evolution
10. Brain Itch
11. Point Zero
12. Pathological Salvation
13. Post Abortum Pt 4
14. A-82
15. Your Thoughts – Your Self Annihilation
16. Pierdole Was
17. Partum Creaturae
18. Pyg
19. No Justification
20. Vision Of Death
21. All Living Kills
22. Blast Until I Die
23. Castrated Consciousness
24. Failed Attempt
25. Abandon Rate
26. No Future *bonus track
27. Human Flesh *bonus track

Unborn Suffer is:
Damian “Sfenson” Bednarski – vocals, guitar
Lukasz “Lukass” Ziółkowski – drums
Sławomir Kocikowski – bass, vocals

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